A seamstress named Rena (Rena Vlachopoulou), unable to deliver a dress due to the strict safety measures of the hotel in which a famous football player named Julio Balmas (Nikos Galanos) is staying, g...
Lykourgos (Orestis Makris), a doctor with the state-run Social Security Foundation (Greek: IKA) retires and moves with his family to his wife’s village and opens a clinic there. In the village he co...
The plain of Thessaly, 1910. The tenant farmers suffer untold hardships, both from the Arvanites invaders who ravage and seize their possessions and from the chief landlord of the area Stratos Karatza...
Iro Konstantopoulou was thirteen years old when the Germans invaded Greece. Despite her age, however, she got involved with the resistance. When she was arrested for the first time, her rich father ma...